Work History
School Based Leadership Experience
Awards Recognition Community Involvement
Certifications Presentations Certificates
Educational Vision

Marsha L. Sears



EDUCATIONAL VISION: All students and staff can learn when the curriculum, instruction, and job-embedded learning is designed to meet all learners at their readiness level. A successful working environment can be achieved through high expectations, high emotional intelligence, clear goals, effective communication both verbal and written, effective organizational management, and systems approach for growth and sustainability.. A culture of consistency and collaboration with district level, school level and community levels working in concert to improve teaching and learning in Georgia schools.

Knowledgeable educational leader with proven track record of leading organizations to growth and success through strategic planning and innovative problem-solving. Successfully managed diverse teams, driving operational efficiency, and fostering collaborative environments. Demonstrated excellence in financial oversight and stakeholder engagement.


years of professional experience

Work History

Office of Executive Director of Professional Development

Dekalb County School District
02.2025 - Current
  • Partner with all students focused departments at the district office level to support new teachers at the beginning of the school year and throughout the school year
  • Review and revise the Principal’s Tool Kit for new principals
  • Provide feedback to the Professional Learning Facilitators
  • Partnered with various departments for the district-wide initiative of Professional Learning Communities


Murphey Candler Elementary
08.2017 - 01.2025
  • Met all 2024 CCRPI targets and received stars in the economically disadvantage and SWD subgroups
  • Increased CCRPI Student Literacy by double digit gains (+22.45) from 2022-2024
  • Led staff to implement instructional practices to improve student achievement, resulting in the removal from any state identified lists (2022)
  • Motivated the staff to apply for grants and both the music and art department received grants
  • The band teacher received the Mr
  • Holland Opus Grant, which provided our students with over $30,000 worth of instruments for our students and the art teacher received a $2,999 equipment and consumables grant from the State Board of Education Fine Arts
  • Reorganized a strategic plan to reengage and increase community partners, post COVID, by mid-year 2022, we increased our partnerships by 50%
  • Demonstrated strong curriculum management, as evidence of double-digit gains for the 2019 CCRPI administration, which removed our school from the Ga DOE Comprehensive School Improvement List
  • Partnered with GA DOE Office of School Improvement in the 'Growing Readers Program' to strengthen K-3rd reading teachers, with strategies, resources, and direct support from the state
  • Featured in the GA DOE Office of Improvement December 2019 Newsletter- 'Murphey Candler Elementary is Serious about Literacy!'
  • Partnered with AARP/United Way Afterschool Tutorial program that focus on supporting students in reading grades K-3rd Grade

Summer Administrator

Jolly Elementary
06.2017 - 06.2017
  • Supported teachers with the iReady program and various instructional best practices for the Georgia Milestones re-test
  • Ensure all standard operating procedures were implemented for the arrival and return home for all the students

Assistant Principal

Wynbrooke Theme School
08.2016 - 06.2017
  • Co-Chairperson of the Strategic Academic Committee that targeted high performing students in designated content domains 'Target Time' to increase Georgia Milestones Test Scores
  • (2016 CCRPI Score 74.4 versus 2017 CCRPI 88.1) As a result, leading to a double-digit gain of +13.7, with increases in both achievement and growth
  • Spearheaded a safety net committee for the lowest 25% performing students in reading and math
  • Mentored teacher-leaders to build building and district level capacity
  • Modeled expectations for a standard-based classroom
  • Facilitated professional learning in best practices for a three-part-lesson

Summer Administrator

Peachcrest Elementary
06.2016 - 06.2016
  • Supported teachers with the iReady program and various instructional best practices for the Georgia Milestones re-test
  • Ensure all standard operating procedures were implemented for the arrival and return home for all the students

Assistant Principal

Dunaire Elementary
12.2012 - 06.2016
  • Improved dismissal accuracy by 99% due to various and strategic standard operating procedures
  • Provided curriculum coaching, restorative practices and parent engagement that led to a 15% decrease in student incidences
  • Trained and strengthen effective lesson planning which resulted in an increase in Level 3 students in Science by an average of 6% and Social Studies by 4%
  • Supervised the Safe School Committee that created standard operating procedures that led to consistently meeting or exceeding audit expectations
  • (Audit Scores 4/3/14-102 and 3/11/15-102)
  • Based on TKES Certified Survey results, 90% or more of the staff believe I am an active and positive educational leader and take an active role in improving curriculum and instruction

Summer Administrator

Canby Lane
06.2015 - 06.2015
  • Supported teachers with the iReady program and various instructional best practices for the Georgia Milestones re-test
  • Ensure all standard operating procedures were implemented for the arrival and return home for all the students

Success For All Facilitator (SFA)

Columbia Elementary
08.2012 - 11.2012
  • Provided job embedded, standards-based professional learning to assist teachers in completing a self-assessment of their instructional strengths, effective lesson planning, interpreting student data and maximizing on the SFA resources
  • Assisted the Principal and leadership team in the classification of student performance data, by school and by teacher; and assessed instructional coaching needs of individual teachers

Teacher, Grade 5

Rock Chapel Elementary
08.2011 - 06.2012

Teacher, Grade 4 and 5

Glen Haven Elementary School
08.1998 - 06.2011
  • Created and implemented professional development according to student, staff, and community needs
  • Some examples include, but are not limited to Step by Step Model Drawing, Math Common Core Training, and Gender Based Classroom Book Study
  • Used local, system and state data to make decisions at the school level to increase student performance
  • Decrease in Level I Math students by 13% (2011-25 students-2012-12 students) and increased Level III math students by 16% (2011-15 students-2012-31 students)

Adjunct Professor

DeVry University
08.2001 - 06.2008
  • Planned and taught courses for the following courses: Intermediate Math, Writing, Critical Thinking, Public Speaking and Humanities
  • Served as leadership mentor to students


Master of Education - Educational Leadership

Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw, GA

Teaching Certification - K-8

Mercer University
Atlanta, GA

Master of Arts - Adult and Higher Education, Minor: Counseling

Morehead State University
Morehead, KY

Bachelor of Arts - History and International Studies

Virginia State University
Petersburg, VA


  • Community engagement
  • Program management
  • Strategic planning
  • Project management

School Based Leadership Experience

  • Office of Executive Director of Professional Development, Dekalb County School District, Stone Mountain, GA, 02/01/25, Present, Partner with all students focused departments at the district office level to support new teachers at the beginning of the school year and throughout the school year., Review and revise the Principal’s Tool Kit for new principals., Provide feedback to the Professional Learning Facilitators., Partnered with various departments for the district-wide initiative of Professional Learning Communities.
  • Principal, Murphey Candler Elementary, Stonecrest, GA, 08/01/17, 01/31/25, Met all 2024 CCRPI targets and received stars in the economically disadvantage and SWD subgroups., Increased CCRPI Student Literacy by double digit gains (+22.45) from 2022-2024., Led staff to implement instructional practices to improve student achievement, resulting in the removal from any state identified lists (2022)., Motivated the staff to apply for grants and both the music and art department received grants., Reorganized a strategic plan to reengage and increase community partners, post COVID, by mid-year 2022, we increased our partnerships by 50%., Demonstrated strong curriculum management, as evidence of double-digit gains for the 2019 CCRPI administration, which removed our school from the Ga DOE Comprehensive School Improvement List., Partnered with GA DOE Office of School Improvement in the 'Growing Readers Program' to strengthen K-3rd reading teachers., Featured in the GA DOE Office of Improvement December 2019 Newsletter- 'Murphey Candler Elementary is Serious about Literacy!', Partnered with AARP/United Way Afterschool Tutorial program that focus on supporting students in reading grades K-3rd Grade.
  • Assistant Principal, Wynbrooke Theme School, Stone Mountain, GA, 08/01/16, 06/30/17, Co-Chairperson of the Strategic Academic Committee that targeted high performing students., Spearheaded a safety net committee for the lowest 25% performing students in reading and math., Mentored teacher-leaders to build building and district level capacity., Modeled expectations for a standard-based classroom., Facilitated professional learning in best practices for a three-part-lesson.
  • Summer Administrator, Jolly Elementary, 06/01/17, 08/31/17, Supported teachers with the iReady program and various instructional best practices for the Georgia Milestones re-test., Ensure all standard operating procedures were implemented for the arrival and return home for all the students.
  • Assistant Principal, Dunaire Elementary, Stone Mountain, GA, 12/01/12, 06/30/16, Improved dismissal accuracy by 99% due to various and strategic standard operating procedures., Provided curriculum coaching, restorative practices and parent engagement that led to a 15% decrease in student incidences., Trained and strengthen effective lesson planning which resulted in an increase in Level 3 students in Science by an average of 6% and Social Studies by 4%., Supervised the Safe School Committee that created standard operating procedures that led to consistently meeting or exceeding audit expectations.
  • Success For All Facilitator (SFA), Columbia Elementary, Decatur, GA, 08/01/12, 11/30/12, Provided job embedded, standards-based professional learning to assist teachers., Assisted the Principal and leadership team in the classification of student performance data.

Awards Recognition Community Involvement

  • CCRPI Double Digit Gains 2024
  • Turnaround Principal 2022
  • CCRPI Double Digit Gains 2019
  • Teacher of the Year-Glen Haven Elementary 2010-2011

Certifications Presentations Certificates

  • P-12 Educational Leadership
  • Crucial Conversation Certificate
  • P-5 Early Childhood Education
  • 4-8 Middle Grades: Concentration-Social Science
  • Teacher Leader Endorsement-MRESA 05/01/12
  • District Summer Leadership Conference presenter (Cooking up Effective Teams)-2010
  • Presenter at the National Staff Development Council 42nd Annual Conference. (Peer Observations Lead to Collegial Conversations)-2011

Educational Vision

All students and staff can learn when the curriculum, instruction, and job-embedded learning is designed to meet all learners at their readiness level. A successful working environment can be achieved through high expectations, high emotional intelligence, clear goals, effective communication both verbal and written, effective organizational management, and systems approach for growth and sustainability. A culture of consistency and collaboration with district level, school level and community levels working in concert to improve teaching and learning in Georgia schools.


Office of Executive Director of Professional Development

Dekalb County School District
02.2025 - Current


Murphey Candler Elementary
08.2017 - 01.2025

Summer Administrator

Jolly Elementary
06.2017 - 06.2017

Assistant Principal

Wynbrooke Theme School
08.2016 - 06.2017

Summer Administrator

Peachcrest Elementary
06.2016 - 06.2016

Summer Administrator

Canby Lane
06.2015 - 06.2015

Assistant Principal

Dunaire Elementary
12.2012 - 06.2016

Success For All Facilitator (SFA)

Columbia Elementary
08.2012 - 11.2012

Teacher, Grade 5

Rock Chapel Elementary
08.2011 - 06.2012

Adjunct Professor

DeVry University
08.2001 - 06.2008

Teacher, Grade 4 and 5

Glen Haven Elementary School
08.1998 - 06.2011

Teaching Certification - K-8

Mercer University

Master of Arts - Adult and Higher Education, Minor: Counseling

Morehead State University

Bachelor of Arts - History and International Studies

Virginia State University

Master of Education - Educational Leadership

Kennesaw State University
Marsha L. Sears